The Official AB 2143 Resource for Helping Contractors Navigate Renewable Energy Compliance with Ease.

Important Reminder: Copies of Certified Payroll Records Due December 31st!

DECEMBER 31ST DEADLINE ALERT: Contractors with a project that began after December 31, 2023, are subject to prevailing wage requirements and must upload copies of Certified Payroll Reports no later than December 31, 2024. Failure to meet this deadline may result in interconnection application processing delays.  
Please submit copies of your certified payroll records for the period of June 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024. If you have not done so already, we strongly encourage you to complete your Contractor Registration, Project Registration, and Certified Payroll Submissions as soon as possible. Each of these items can be completed through the SURGE Compliance Portal.
SURGE reviews submittals and offers resources for assistance. 
SURGE Review: After December 31, 2024, the SURGE support team will review all contractor certified payroll record copies submitted through the SURGE Compliance Portal for the following: 

  • Correct Certified Payroll Reports (Form A-1-131 or equivalent content) for the reporting period. 
  • Signed Statement of Compliance is included with Certified Payroll Reports. 
  • Entries are legible and complete.  
  • Certified Payroll Reports are uploaded as a PDF. 

SURGE Guidance and Support:  

  • SURGE support team may grant up to six weeks of additional time for submittals of Ceritified Payroll report copies if requested.  
  • SURGE support team will notify contractors of any errors or omissions and may grant up to six weeks of support after the deadline for corrections. 
  • SURGE support team contact can be reached at [email protected] or 1-800-549-2143 for further assistance or information. 
Department of Industrial Relation (DIR) Links:   

The SURGE Initiative

Welcome to SURGE, where success in solar project compliance begins! The Solar-Utilities Reporting, Guidance, and Education (SURGE) initiative is your dedicated partner in simplifying the reporting of certified payroll submissions with prevailing wages on eligible projects. 


Explore our user-friendly website, packed with all the essential resources to ensure your success in reporting payroll for solar projects.  Plus, experience the streamlined convenience of submitting your certified payrolls through the SURGE Compliance Portal.  We’re here to make solar project compliance a breeze!


SURGE contractors are able to:

Submit timely payrolls using a streamlined process with the SURGE Compliance Portal.
Utilize available educational resources to understand
SURGE compliance.
Keep updated on upcoming
SURGE events and workshops.

Understanding the Process

Complying with AB 2143 (PUC ยง769.2) through SURGE is a simple three-step process. First, Prime Contractors and Subcontractors anticipating eligible solar projects will need to register in the SURGE Compliance Portal. Then, once a Prime Contractor receives an eligible project, they will need to register the project. Finally, with the project underway, Prime Contractors and Subcontractors will submit copies of their payroll reports to the Portal. This does not replace any reporting requirements from the Department of Industrial Relations.

Contractors and subcontractors must provide certified payroll records at least biannually but are encouraged to report more frequently (i.e., monthly).  Below are the reporting deadlines for 2024:

  • Monday, July 1, 2024, at 5:00 pm (PST/PDT): Submit certified payroll records from January 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024.
  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at 5:00 pm (PST/PDT): Submit certified payroll records from June 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024.

Contractor Registration


Letโ€™s get started! Primes and Subcontractors: Click the link to fill out our simple & easy Contractor Registration form.



Primes, ready to roll with your eligible project? Use the link below to register your projects.



Ready to submit payrolls? Use the Payroll Submission link below to upload your certified payroll record copies to SURGE.

Questions for SURGE

Having trouble finding what you need?
Complete this form and a SURGE Support Team member
will contact you.
SURGE is directed by the California Public Utilities Commission